Glorious indeed and Most Honourable is the Holy Qur'an!
May Allah accept this humble work and Guide us to the Straight Path! Being the first in the world to produce a complete QUR'AN rendered in audio and visual graphics in digital MP4 format to near perfection (Qiraati) by Shaykh Ali Abdur Rahman Al-Huthaify and Shaykh Abdullah Yusuf Ali's translations as streaming text. The demand of every being in the course of time has become more diverse and complex, hence we are honored to make this contribution to facilitate recitation, memorization or study of the Holy Qur’an to be more accessible and user friendly. Shaykh Fasehullah Shah Siddiqe- Contact us
Quoting the Holy Qur’an:
“And to rehearse the Qur'an: and if any accept guidance, they do it for the good of their own souls, and if any stray, say: "I am only a Warner".
An-Naml, Chapter #27, Verse #92)
Juzu' 11
The eleventhjuz’of the Qur’an contains parts of three chapters of the Quran: the last part of Surah At-Tauba (from verse 93), all of Surah Yunus, and the first few verses of Surah Hud (to verse 5).
The first part of this juz', Surah At-Tauba ("Repentance") was primarily revealed at the time of the expedition to Tabuk, in the 9th year after Hijrah. The other two chapters, Surah Yunus and Surah Hud, both named afterprophets of Islam, were revealed in Makkah prior to theHijrah.
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Bismi Allahi arrahmani arraheem
Yusuf Ali
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
The ground (of complaint) is against such as claim exemption while they are rich. They prefer to stay with the (women) who remain behind: Allah hath sealed their hearts; so they know not (What they miss).
YaAAtathiroona ilaykum itharajaAAtum ilayhim qul la taAAtathiroo lan nu/minalakum qad nabbaana Allahu min akhbarikumwasayara Allahu AAamalakum warasooluhu thummaturaddoona ila AAalimi alghaybi washshahadatifayunabbi-okum bima kuntum taAAmaloon
Yusuf Ali
They will present their excuses to you when ye return to them. Say thou: "Present no excuses: we shall not believe you: Allah hath already informed us of the true state of matters concerning you: It is your actions that Allah and His Messenger will observe: in the end will ye be brought back to Him Who knoweth what is hidden and what is open: then will He show you the truth of all that ye did."
They will swear to you by Allah, when ye return to them, that ye may leave them alone. So leave them alone: For they are an abomination, and Hell is their dwelling-place,-a fitting recompense for the (evil) that they did.
Al-aAArabu ashaddu kufran wanifaqanwaajdaru alla yaAAlamoo hudooda ma anzalaAllahu AAala rasoolihi wallahuAAaleemun hakeem
Yusuf Ali
The Arabs of the desert are the worst in Unbelief and hypocrisy, and most fitted to be in ignorance of the command which Allah hath sent down to His Messenger: But Allah is All-knowing, All-Wise.
Some of the desert Arabs look upon their payments as a fine, and watch for disasters for you: on them be the disaster of evil: for Allah is He That heareth and knoweth (all things).
But some of the desert Arabs believe in Allah and the Last Day, and look on their payments as pious gifts bringing them nearer to Allah and obtaining the prayers of the Messenger. Aye, indeed they bring them nearer (to Him): soon will Allah admit them to His Mercy: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
The vanguard (of Islam)- the first of those who forsook (their homes) and of those who gave them aid, and (also) those who follow them in (all) good deeds,- well-pleased is Allah with them, as are they with Him: for them hath He prepared gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein for ever: that is the supreme felicity.
Wamimman hawlakum mina al-aAArabimunafiqoona wamin ahli almadeenati maradoo AAala annifaqila taAAlamuhum nahnu naAAlamuhum sanuAAaththibuhummarratayni thumma yuraddoona ila AAathabin AAatheem
Yusuf Ali
Certain of the desert Arabs round about you are hypocrites, as well as (desert Arabs) among the Medina folk: they are obstinate in hypocrisy: thou knowest them not: We know them: twice shall We punish them: and in addition shall they be sent to a grievous penalty.
Others (there are who) have acknowledged their wrong-doings: they have mixed an act that was good with another that was evil. Perhaps Allah will turn unto them (in Mercy): for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Of their goods, take alms, that so thou mightest purify and sanctify them; and pray on their behalf. Verily thy prayers are a source of security for them: And Allah is One Who heareth and knoweth.
Alam yaAAlamoo anna Allaha huwayaqbalu attawbata AAan AAibadihi waya/khuthuassadaqati waanna Allaha huwa attawwabuarraheem
Yusuf Ali
Know they not that Allah doth accept repentance from His votaries and receives their gifts of charity, and that Allah is verily He, the Oft-Returning, Most Merciful?
And say: "Work (righteousness): Soon will Allah observe your work, and His Messenger, and the Believers: Soon will ye be brought back to the knower of what is hidden and what is open: then will He show you the truth of all that ye did."
There are (yet) others, held in suspense for the command of Allah, whether He will punish them, or turn in mercy to them: and Allah is All-Knowing, Wise.
Wallatheena ittakhathoomasjidan diraran wakufran watafreeqan baynaalmu/mineena wa-irsadan liman haraba Allahawarasoolahu min qablu walayahlifunna in aradna illaalhusna wallahu yashhadu innahum lakathiboon
Yusuf Ali
And there are those who put up a mosque by way of mischief and infidelity - to disunite the Believers - and in preparation for one who warred against Allah and His Messenger aforetime. They will indeed swear that their intention is nothing but good; But Allah doth declare that they are certainly liars.
La taqum feehi abadan lamasjidunossisa AAala attaqwa min awwali yawmin ahaqquan taqooma feehi feehi rijalun yuhibboona an yatatahharoowallahu yuhibbu almuttahhireen
Yusuf Ali
Never stand thou forth therein. There is a mosque whose foundation was laid from the first day on piety; it is more worthy of the standing forth (for prayer) therein. In it are men who love to be purified; and Allah loveth those who make themselves pure.
Afaman assasa bunyanahu AAalataqwa mina Allahi waridwanin khayrunam man assasa bunyanahu AAala shafa jurufinharin fanhara bihi fee narijahannama wallahu la yahdee alqawma aththalimeen
Yusuf Ali
Which then is best? - he that layeth his foundation on piety to Allah and His good pleasure? - or he that layeth his foundation on an undermined sand-cliff ready to crumble to pieces? and it doth crumble to pieces with him, into the fire of Hell. And Allah guideth not people that do wrong.
La yazalu bunyanuhumuallathee banaw reebatan fee quloobihim illa an taqattaAAaquloobuhum wallahu AAaleemun hakeem
Yusuf Ali
The foundation of those who so build is never free from suspicion and shakiness in their hearts, until their hearts are cut to pieces. And Allah is All-Knowing, Wise.
Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Qur'an: and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah? then rejoice in the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme.
Those that turn (to Allah) in repentance; that serve Him, and praise Him; that wander in devotion to the cause of Allah,: that bow down and prostrate themselves in prayer; that enjoin good and forbid evil; and observe the limit set by Allah;- (These do rejoice). So proclaim the glad tidings to the Believers.
Ma kana linnabiyyi wallatheenaamanoo an yastaghfiroo lilmushrikeena walaw kanooolee qurba min baAAdi ma tabayyana lahum annahum as-habualjaheem
Yusuf Ali
It is not fitting, for the Prophet and those who believe, that they should pray for forgiveness for Pagans, even though they be of kin, after it is clear to them that they are companions of the Fire.
Wama kana istighfaruibraheema li-abeehi illa AAan mawAAidatin waAAadahaiyyahu falamma tabayyana lahu annahu AAaduwwun lillahitabarraa minhu inna ibraheema laawwahun haleem
Yusuf Ali
And Abraham prayed for his father's forgiveness only because of a promise he had made to him. But when it became clear to him that he was an enemy to Allah, he dissociated himself from him: for Abraham was most tender-hearted, forbearing.
Wama kana Allahu liyudillaqawman baAAda ith hadahum hattayubayyina lahum ma yattaqoona inna Allaha bikullishay-in AAaleem
Yusuf Ali
And Allah will not mislead a people after He hath guided them, in order that He may make clear to them what to fear (and avoid)- for Allah hath knowledge of all things.
Laqad taba Allahu AAalaannabiyyi walmuhajireena wal-ansariallatheena ittabaAAoohu fee saAAati alAAusrati minbaAAdi ma kada yazeeghu quloobu fareeqin minhumthumma taba AAalayhim innahu bihim raoofun raheem
Yusuf Ali
Allah turned with favour to the Prophet, the Muhajirs, and the Ansar,- who followed him in a time of distress, after that the hearts of a part of them had nearly swerved (from duty); but He turned to them (also): for He is unto them Most Kind, Most Merciful.
WaAAala aththalathatiallatheena khullifoo hatta itha daqatAAalayhimu al-ardu bima rahubat wadaqatAAalayhim anfusuhum wathannoo an la maljaamina Allahi illa ilayhi thumma tabaAAalayhim liyatooboo inna Allaha huwa attawwabuarraheem
Yusuf Ali
(He turned in mercy also) to the three who were left behind; (they felt guilty) to such a degree that the earth seemed constrained to them, for all its spaciousness, and their (very) souls seemed straitened to them,- and they perceived that there is no fleeing from Allah (and no refuge) but to Himself. Then He turned to them, that they might repent: for Allah is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.
Ma kana li-ahli almadeenatiwaman hawlahum mina al-aAArabi an yatakhallafooAAan rasooli Allahi wala yarghaboo bi-anfusihimAAan nafsihi thalika bi-annahum la yuseebuhumthamaon wala nasabun walamakhmasatun fee sabeeli Allahi wala yataoonamawti-an yagheethu alkuffara walayanaloona min AAaduwwin naylan illa kutiba lahumbihi AAamalun salihun inna Allaha layudeeAAu ajra almuhsineen
Yusuf Ali
It was not fitting for the people of Medina and the Bedouin Arabs of the neighbourhood, to refuse to follow Allah's Messenger, nor to prefer their own lives to his: because nothing could they suffer or do, but was reckoned to their credit as a deed of righteousness,- whether they suffered thirst, or fatigue, or hunger, in the cause of Allah, or trod paths to raise the ire of the Unbelievers, or received any injury whatever from an enemy: for Allah suffereth not the reward to be lost of those who do good;-
Nor could they spend anything (for the cause) - small or great- nor cut across a valley, but the deed is inscribed to their credit: that Allah may requite their deed with the best (possible reward).
Wama kana almu/minoonaliyanfiroo kaffatan falawla nafara min kullifirqatin minhum ta-ifatun liyatafaqqahoo fee addeeniwaliyunthiroo qawmahum itha rajaAAoo ilayhimlaAAallahum yahtharoon
Yusuf Ali
Nor should the Believers all go forth together: if a contingent from every expedition remained behind, they could devote themselves to studies in religion, and admonish the people when they return to them,- that thus they (may learn) to guard themselves (against evil).
Wa-itha ma onzilat sooratunfaminhum man yaqoolu ayyukum zadat-hu hathihi eemananfaamma allatheena amanoo fazadat-humeemanan wahum yastabshiroon
Yusuf Ali
Whenever there cometh down a sura, some of them say: "Which of you has had His faith increased by it?" Yea, those who believe,- their faith is increased and they do rejoice.
Wa-itha ma onzilat sooratunnathara baAAduhum ila baAAdinhal yarakum min ahadin thumma insarafoo sarafaAllahu quloobahum bi-annahum qawmun la yafqahoon
Yusuf Ali
Whenever there cometh down a Sura, they look at each other, (saying), "Doth anyone see you?" Then they turn aside: Allah hath turned their hearts (from the light); for they are a people that understand not.
Laqad jaakum rasoolun min anfusikumAAazeezun AAalayhi ma AAanittum hareesunAAalaykum bilmu/mineena raoofun raheem
Yusuf Ali
Now hath come unto you a Messenger from amongst yourselves: it grieves him that ye should perish: ardently anxious is he over you: to the Believers is he most kind and merciful.
Akana linnasi AAajabanan awhayna ila rajulin minhum an anthiriannasa wabashshiri allatheena amanooanna lahum qadama sidqin AAinda rabbihim qala alkafiroonainna hatha lasahirun mubeen
Yusuf Ali
Is it a matter of wonderment to men that We have sent Our inspiration to a man from among themselves?- that he should warn mankind (of their danger), and give the good news to the Believers that they have before their Lord the lofty rank of truth. (But) say the Unbelievers: "This is indeed an evident sorcerer!"
Verily your Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and is firmly established on the throne (of authority), regulating and governing all things. No intercessor (can plead with Him) except after His leave (hath been obtained). This is Allah your Lord; Him therefore serve ye: will ye not receive admonition?
To Him will be your return- of all of you. The promise of Allah is true and sure. It is He Who beginneth the process of creation, and repeateth it, that He may reward with justice those who believe and work righteousness; but those who reject Him will have draughts of boiling fluids, and a penalty grievous, because they did reject Him.
Huwa allathee jaAAala ashshamsadiyaan walqamara nooran waqaddarahu manazilalitaAAlamoo AAadada assineena walhisabama khalaqa Allahu thalika illa bilhaqqiyufassilu al-ayati liqawmin yaAAlamoon
Yusuf Ali
It is He Who made the sun to be a shining glory and the moon to be a light (of beauty), and measured out stages for her; that ye might know the number of years and the count (of time). Nowise did Allah create this but in truth and righteousness. (Thus) doth He explain His Signs in detail, for those who understand.
Verily, in the alternation of the night and the day, and in all that Allah hath created, in the heavens and the earth, are signs for those who fear Him.
(This will be) their cry therein: "Glory to Thee, O Allah!" And "Peace" will be their greeting therein! and the close of their cry will be: "Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds!"
If Allah were to hasten for men the ill (they have earned) as they would fain hasten on the good,- then would their respite be settled at once. But We leave those who rest not their hope on their meeting with Us, in their trespasses, wandering in distraction to and fro.
Wa-itha massa al-insana addurrudaAAana lijanbihi aw qaAAidan aw qa-imanfalamma kashafna AAanhu durrahu marra kaanlam yadAAuna ila durrin massahu kathalikazuyyina lilmusrifeena ma kanoo yaAAmaloon
Yusuf Ali
When trouble toucheth a man, He crieth unto Us (in all postures)- lying down on his side, or sitting, or standing. But when We have solved his trouble, he passeth on his way as if he had never cried to Us for a trouble that touched him! thus do the deeds of transgressors seem fair in their eyes!
Generations before you We destroyed when they did wrong: their messengers came to them with clear-signs, but they would not believe! thus do We requite those who sin!
Wa-itha tutla AAalayhim ayatunabayyinatin qala allatheena layarjoona liqaana i/ti biqur-anin ghayri hathaaw baddilhu qul ma yakoonu lee an obaddilahu min tilqa-inafsee in attabiAAu illa ma yooha ilayyainnee akhafu in AAasaytu rabbee AAathabayawmin AAatheem
Yusuf Ali
But when Our Clear Signs are rehearsed unto them, those who rest not their hope on their meeting with Us, Say: "Bring us a reading other than this, or change this," Say: "It is not for me, of my own accord, to change it: I follow naught but what is revealed unto me: if I were to disobey my Lord, I should myself fear the penalty of a Great Day (to come)."
Qul law shaa Allahu matalawtuhu AAalaykum wala adrakum bihi faqadlabithtu feekum AAumuran min qablihi afala taAAqiloon
Yusuf Ali
Say: "If Allah had so willed, I should not have rehearsed it to you, nor would He have made it known to you. A whole life-time before this have I tarried amongst you: will ye not then understand?"
WayaAAbudoona min dooni Allahi mala yadurruhum wala yanfaAAuhum wayaqooloonahaola-i shufaAAaona AAinda Allahiqul atunabbi-oona Allaha bima la yaAAlamufee assamawati wala fee al-ardisubhanahu wataAAala AAamma yushrikoon
Yusuf Ali
They serve, besides Allah, things that hurt them not nor profit them, and they say: "These are our intercessors with Allah." Say: "Do ye indeed inform Allah of something He knows not, in the heavens or on earth?- Glory to Him! and far is He above the partners they ascribe (to Him)!"
Wama kana annasuilla ommatan wahidatan fakhtalafoo walawlakalimatun sabaqat min rabbika laqudiya baynahum feemafeehi yakhtalifoon
Yusuf Ali
Mankind was but one nation, but differed (later). Had it not been for a word that went forth before from thy Lord, their differences would have been settled between them.
When We make mankind taste of some mercy after adversity hath touched them, behold! they take to plotting against Our Signs! Say: "Swifter to plan is Allah!" Verily, Our messengers record all the plots that ye make!
Huwa allathee yusayyirukum feealbarri walbahri hatta ithakuntum fee alfulki wajarayna bihim bireehin tayyibatinwafarihoo biha jaat-ha reehunAAasifun wajaahumu almawju min kulli makaninwathannoo annahum oheeta bihimdaAAawoo Allaha mukhliseena lahu addeenala-in anjaytana min hathihi lanakoonanna mina ashshakireen
Yusuf Ali
He it is Who enableth you to traverse through land and sea; so that ye even board ships;- they sail with them with a favourable wind, and they rejoice thereat; then comes a stormy wind and the waves come to them from all sides, and they think they are being overwhelmed: they cry unto Allah, sincerely offering (their) duty unto Him saying, "If thou dost deliver us from this, we shall truly show our gratitude!"
But when he delivereth them, behold! they transgress insolently through the earth in defiance of right! O mankind! your insolence is against your own souls,- an enjoyment of the life of the present: in the end, to Us is your return, and We shall show you the truth of all that ye did.
The likeness of the life of the present is as the rain which We send down from the skies: by its mingling arises the produce of the earth- which provides food for men and animals: (It grows) till the earth is clad with its golden ornaments and is decked out (in beauty): the people to whom it belongs think they have all powers of disposal over it: There reaches it Our command by night or by day, and We make it like a harvest clean-mown, as if it had not flourished only the day before! thus do We explain the Signs in detail for those who reflect.
To those who do right is a goodly (reward)- Yea, more (than in measure)! No darkness nor shame shall cover their faces! they are companions of the garden; they will abide therein (for aye)!
Wallatheena kasaboo assayyi-atijazao sayyi-atin bimithliha watarhaquhum thillatunma lahum mina Allahi min AAasimin kaannamaoghshiyat wujoohuhum qitaAAan mina allayli muthlimanola-ika as-habu annari humfeeha khalidoon
Yusuf Ali
But those who have earned evil will have a reward of like evil: ignominy will cover their (faces): No defender will they have from (the wrath of) Allah: Their faces will be covered, as it were, with pieces from the depth of the darkness of night: they are companions of the Fire: they will abide therein (for aye)!
One day shall We gather them all together. Then shall We say to those who joined gods (with Us): "To your place! ye and those ye joined as 'partners' We shall separate them, and their "Partners" shall say: "It was not us that ye worshipped!
Hunalika tabloo kullu nafsin maaslafat waruddoo ila Allahi mawlahumu alhaqqiwadalla AAanhum ma kanoo yaftaroon
Yusuf Ali
There will every soul prove (the fruits of) the deeds it sent before: they will be brought back to Allah their rightful Lord, and their invented falsehoods will leave them in the lurch.
Qul man yarzuqukum mina assama-iwal-ardi amman yamliku assamAAa wal-absarawaman yukhriju alhayya mina almayyiti wayukhriju almayyitamina alhayyi waman yudabbiru al-amra fasayaqooloona Allahufaqul afala tattaqoon
Yusuf Ali
Say: "Who is it that sustains you (in life) from the sky and from the earth? or who is it that has power over hearing and sight? And who is it that brings out the living from the dead and the dead from the living? and who is it that rules and regulates all affairs?" They will soon say, "Allah". Say, "will ye not then show piety (to Him)?"
Qul hal min shuraka-ikum man yabdaoalkhalqa thumma yuAAeeduhu quli Allahu yabdao alkhalqathumma yuAAeeduhu faanna tu/fakoon
Yusuf Ali
Say: "Of your 'partners', can any originate creation and repeat it?" Say: "It is Allah Who originates creation and repeats it: then how are ye deluded away (from the truth)?"
Qul hal min shuraka-ikum man yahdeeila alhaqqi quli Allahu yahdee lilhaqqiafaman yahdee ila alhaqqi ahaqqu anyuttabaAAa amman la yahiddee illa an yuhdafama lakum kayfa tahkumoon
Yusuf Ali
Say: "Of your 'partners' is there any that can give any guidance towards truth?" Say: "It is Allah Who gives guidance towards truth, is then He Who gives guidance to truth more worthy to be followed, or he who finds not guidance (himself) unless he is guided? what then is the matter with you? How judge ye?"
Wama kana hatha alqur-anuan yuftara min dooni Allahi walakin tasdeeqaallathee bayna yadayhi watafseela alkitabi larayba feehi min rabbi alAAalameen
Yusuf Ali
This Qur'an is not such as can be produced by other than Allah; on the contrary it is a confirmation of (revelations) that went before it, and a fuller explanation of the Book - wherein there is no doubt - from the Lord of the worlds.
Am yaqooloona iftarahu qul fa/toobisooratin mithlihi wadAAoo mani istataAAtum mindooni Allahi in kuntum sadiqeen
Yusuf Ali
Or do they say, "He forged it"? say: "Bring then a Sura like unto it, and call (to your aid) anyone you can besides Allah, if it be ye speak the truth!"
Bal kaththaboo bima lam yuheetoobiAAilmihi walamma ya/tihim ta/weeluhu kathalika kaththabaallatheena min qablihim fanthurkayfa kana AAaqibatu aththalimeen
Yusuf Ali
Nay, they charge with falsehood that whose knowledge they cannot compass, even before the elucidation thereof hath reached them: thus did those before them make charges of falsehood: but see what was the end of those who did wrong!
Wayawma yahshuruhum kaan lamyalbathoo illa saAAatan mina annahariyataAAarafoona baynahum qad khasira allatheena kaththaboobiliqa-i Allahi wama kanoo muhtadeen
Yusuf Ali
One day He will gather them together: (It will be) as if they had tarried but an hour of a day: they will recognise each other: assuredly those will be lost who denied the meeting with Allah and refused to receive true guidance.
Whether We show thee (realised in thy life-time) some part of what We promise them,- or We take thy soul (to Our Mercy) (Before that),- in any case, to Us is their return: ultimately Allah is witness, to all that they do.
To every people (was sent) a messenger: when their messenger comes (before them), the matter will be judged between them with justice, and they will not be wronged.
Qul la amliku linafsee darranwala nafAAan illa ma shaa Allahulikulli ommatin ajalun itha jaa ajaluhum falayasta/khiroona saAAatan wala yastaqdimoon
Yusuf Ali
Say: "I have no power over any harm or profit to myself except as Allah willeth. To every people is a term appointed: when their term is reached, not an hour can they cause delay, nor (an hour) can they advance (it in anticipation)."
Walaw anna likulli nafsin thalamatma fee al-ardi laftadat bihi waasarroo annadamatalamma raawoo alAAathaba waqudiya baynahum bilqistiwahum la yuthlamoon
Yusuf Ali
Every soul that hath sinned, if it possessed all that is on earth, would fain give it in ransom: They would declare (their) repentance when they see the penalty: but the judgment between them will be with justice, and no wrong will be done unto them.
Ala inna lillahi ma feeassamawati wal-ardi alainna waAAda Allahi haqqun walakinnaaktharahum la yaAAlamoon
Yusuf Ali
Is it not (the case) that to Allah belongeth whatever is in the heavens and on earth? Is it not (the case) that Allah's promise is assuredly true? Yet most of them understand not.
هُوَ يُحْيِي وَيُمِيتُ وَإِلَيْهِ تُرْجَعُونَ
Huwa yuhyee wayumeetu wa-ilayhiturjaAAoon
Yusuf Ali
It is He Who giveth life and who taketh it, and to Him shall ye all be brought back.
Ya ayyuha annasuqad jaatkum mawAAithatun min rabbikum washifaonlima fee assudoori wahudan warahmatunlilmu/mineen
Yusuf Ali
O mankind! there hath come to you a direction from your Lord and a healing for the (diseases) in your hearts,- and for those who believe, a guidance and a Mercy.
Qul araaytum ma anzala Allahulakum min rizqin fajaAAaltum minhu haraman wahalalanqul allahu athina lakum am AAala Allahitaftaroon
Yusuf Ali
Say: "See ye what things Allah hath sent down to you for sustenance? Yet ye hold forbidden some things thereof and (some things) lawful." Say: "Hath Allah indeed permitted you, or do ye invent (things) to attribute to Allah?"
And what think those who invent lies against Allah, of the Day of Judgment? Verily Allah is full of bounty to mankind, but most of them are ungrateful.
Wama takoonu fee sha/nin wamatatloo minhu min qur-anin wala taAAmaloona minAAamalin illa kunna AAalaykum shuhoodan ithtufeedoona feehi wama yaAAzubu AAan rabbika minmithqali tharratin fee al-ardi walafee assama-i wala asghara min thalikawala akbara illa fee kitabin mubeen
Yusuf Ali
In whatever business thou mayest be, and whatever portion thou mayest be reciting from the Qur'an,- and whatever deed ye (mankind) may be doing,- We are witnesses thereof when ye are deeply engrossed therein. Nor is hidden from thy Lord (so much as) the weight of an atom on the earth or in heaven. And not the least and not the greatest of these things but are recorded in a clear record.
For them are glad tidings, in the life of the present and in the Hereafter; no change can there be in the words of Allah. This is indeed the supreme felicity.
Ala inna lillahi man fee assamawatiwaman fee al-ardi wama yattabiAAu allatheenayadAAoona min dooni Allahi shurakaa inyattabiAAoona illa aththanna wa-inhum illa yakhrusoon
Yusuf Ali
Behold! verily to Allah belong all creatures, in the heavens and on earth. What do they follow who worship as His "partners" other than Allah? They follow nothing but fancy, and they do nothing but lie.
He it is That hath made you the night that ye may rest therein, and the day to make things visible (to you). Verily in this are signs for those who listen (to His Message).
Qaloo ittakhatha Allahuwaladan subhanahu huwa alghaniyyu lahu ma fee assamawatiwama fee al-ardi in AAindakum min sultaninbihatha ataqooloona AAala Allahi ma lataAAlamoon
Yusuf Ali
They say: "Allah hath begotten a son!" - Glory be to Him! He is self-sufficient! His are all things in the heavens and on earth! No warrant have ye for this! say ye about Allah what ye know not?
Watlu AAalayhim nabaa noohinith qala liqawmihi ya qawmi in kanakabura AAalaykum maqamee watathkeeree bi-ayatiAllahi faAAala Allahi tawakkaltu faajmiAAooamrakum washurakaakum thumma la yakun amrukumAAalaykum ghummatan thumma iqdoo ilayya wala tunthiroon
Yusuf Ali
Relate to them the story of Noah. Behold! he said to his people: "O my people, if it be hard on your (mind) that I should stay (with you) and commemorate the signs of Allah,- yet I put my trust in Allah. Get ye then an agreement about your plan and among your partners, so your plan be on to you dark and dubious. Then pass your sentence on me, and give me no respite.
Fa-in tawallaytum fama saaltukum minajrin in ajriya illa AAala Allahi waomirtuan akoona mina almuslimeen
Yusuf Ali
"But if ye turn back, (consider): no reward have I asked of you: my reward is only due from Allah, and I have been commanded to be of those who submit to Allah's will (in Islam)."
They rejected Him, but We delivered him, and those with him, in the Ark, and We made them inherit (the earth), while We overwhelmed in the flood those who rejected Our Signs. Then see what was the end of those who were warned (but heeded not)!
Thumma baAAathna min baAAdihi rusulanila qawmihim fajaoohum bilbayyinatifama kanoo liyu/minoo bima kaththaboobihi min qablu kathalika natbaAAu AAalaquloobi almuAAtadeen
Yusuf Ali
Then after him We sent (many) messengers to their peoples: they brought them Clear Signs, but they would not believe what they had already rejected beforehand. Thus do We seal the hearts of the transgressors.
They said: "Hast thou come to us to turn us away from the ways we found our fathers following,- in order that thou and thy brother may have greatness in the land? But not we shall believe in you!"
Falamma alqaw qala moosama ji/tum bihi assihru inna Allahasayubtiluhu inna Allaha la yuslihuAAamala almufsideen
Yusuf Ali
When they had had their throw, Moses said: "What ye have brought is sorcery: Allah will surely make it of no effect: for Allah prospereth not the work of those who make mischief.
Fama amana limoosa illathurriyyatun min qawmihi AAala khawfin minfirAAawna wamala-ihim an yaftinahum wa-inna firAAawna laAAalinfee al-ardi wa-innahu lamina almusrifeen
Yusuf Ali
But none believed in Moses except some children of his people, because of the fear of Pharaoh and his chiefs, lest they should persecute them; and certainly Pharaoh was mighty on the earth and one who transgressed all bounds.
Waawhayna ila moosawaakheehi an tabawwaa liqawmikuma bimisrabuyootan wajAAaloo buyootakum qiblatan waaqeemoo assalatawabashshiri almu/mineen
Yusuf Ali
We inspired Moses and his brother with this Message: "Provide dwellings for your people in Egypt, make your dwellings into places of worship, and establish regular prayers: and give glad tidings to those who believe!"
Moses prayed: "Our Lord! Thou hast indeed bestowed on Pharaoh and his chiefs splendour and wealth in the life of the present, and so, Our Lord, they mislead (men) from Thy Path. Deface, our Lord, the features of their wealth, and send hardness to their hearts, so they will not believe until they see the grievous penalty."
Wajawazna bibanee isra-eelaalbahra faatbaAAahum firAAawnu wajunooduhu baghyanwaAAadwan hatta itha adrakahu algharaqu qalaamantu annahu la ilaha illa allatheeamanat bihi banoo isra-eela waana minaalmuslimeen
Yusuf Ali
We took the Children of Israel across the sea: Pharaoh and his hosts followed them in insolence and spite. At length, when overwhelmed with the flood, he said: "I believe that there is no god except Him Whom the Children of Israel believe in: I am of those who submit (to Allah in Islam)."
Falyawma nunajjeeka bibadanikalitakoona liman khalfaka ayatan wa-inna katheeran mina annasiAAan ayatina laghafiloon
Yusuf Ali
"This day shall We save thee in the body, that thou mayest be a sign to those who come after thee! but verily, many among mankind are heedless of Our Signs!"
Walaqad bawwa/na banee isra-eelamubawwaa sidqin warazaqnahum mina attayyibatifama ikhtalafoo hatta jaahumualAAilmu inna rabbaka yaqdee baynahum yawma alqiyamatifeema kanoo feehi yakhtalifoon
Yusuf Ali
We settled the Children of Israel in a beautiful dwelling-place, and provided for them sustenance of the best: it was after knowledge had been granted to them, that they fell into schisms. Verily Allah will judge between them as to the schisms amongst them, on the Day of Judgment.
Fa-in kunta fee shakkin mimma anzalnnailayka fas-ali allatheena yaqraoona alkitabamin qablika laqad jaaka alhaqqu min rabbika falatakoonanna mina almumtareen
Yusuf Ali
If thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the Book from before thee: the Truth hath indeed come to thee from thy Lord: so be in no wise of those in doubt.
Falawla kanat qaryatun amanatfanafaAAaha eemanuha illa qawmayoonusa lamma amanoo kashafna AAanhum AAathabaalkhizyi fee alhayati addunyawamattaAAnahum ila heen
Yusuf Ali
Why was there not a single township (among those We warned), which believed,- so its faith should have profited it,- except the people of Jonah? When they believed, We removed from them the penalty of ignominy in the life of the present, and permitted them to enjoy (their life) for a while.
Fahal yantathiroona illamithla ayyami allatheena khalaw min qablihim qul fantathirooinnee maAAakum mina almuntathireen
Yusuf Ali
Do they then expect (any thing) but (what happened in) the days of the men who passed away before them? Say: "Wait ye then: for I, too, will wait with you."
Qul ya ayyuha annasuin kuntum fee shakkin min deenee fala aAAbudu allatheenataAAbudoona min dooni Allahi walakin aAAbudu Allahaallathee yatawaffakum waomirtu an akoona minaalmu/mineen
Yusuf Ali
Say: "O ye men! If ye are in doubt as to my religion, (behold!) I worship not what ye worship, other than Allah! But I worship Allah - Who will take your souls (at death): I am commanded to be (in the ranks) of the Believers,
Wala tadAAu min dooni Allahima la yanfaAAuka wala yadurruka fa-infaAAalta fa-innaka ithan mina aththalimeen
Yusuf Ali
"'Nor call on any, other than Allah;- Such will neither profit thee nor hurt thee: if thou dost, behold! thou shalt certainly be of those who do wrong.'"
Wa-in yamsaska Allahu bidurrinfala kashifa lahu illa huwa wa-in yuridkabikhayrin fala radda lifadlihi yuseebubihi man yashao min AAibadihi wahuwa alghafooru arraheem
Yusuf Ali
If Allah do touch thee with hurt, there is none can remove it but He: if He do design some benefit for thee, there is none can keep back His favour: He causeth it to reach whomsoever of His servants He pleaseth. And He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Qul ya ayyuha annasuqad jaakumu alhaqqu min rabbikum famani ihtadafa-innama yahtadee linafsihi waman dalla fa-innamayadillu AAalayha wama ana AAalaykumbiwakeel
Yusuf Ali
Say: "O ye men! Now Truth hath reached you from your Lord! those who receive guidance,do so for the good of their own souls; those who stray, do so to their own loss: and I am not (set) over you to arrange your affairs."
Alif-lam-ra kitabun ohkimatayatuhu thumma fussilat min ladun hakeeminkhabeer
Yusuf Ali
A. L. R. (This is) a Book, with verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning), further explained in detail,- from One Who is Wise and Well-acquainted (with all things):
"(And to preach thus), 'Seek ye the forgiveness of your Lord, and turn to Him in repentance; that He may grant you enjoyment, good (and true), for a term appointed, and bestow His abounding grace on all who abound in merit! But if ye turn away, then I fear for you the penalty of a great day:
Ala innahum yathnoona sudoorahumliyastakhfoo minhu ala heena yastaghshoona thiyabahumyaAAlamu ma yusirroona wama yuAAlinoona innahuAAaleemun bithati assudoor
Yusuf Ali
Behold! they fold up their hearts, that they may lie hid from Him! Ah even when they cover themselves with their garments, He knoweth what they conceal, and what they reveal: for He knoweth well the (inmost secrets) of the hearts.